Hours & Holidays in Holguin, Cuba
During your stay in Holguin you should not forget to delight in special moments that show the most autochthonous of Holguin culture. Festivities that earn a unique stamp to our beloved people, and that beyond sharing joy and artistic experiences, become a symbol of cultural identity.
Events in Holguin
Romerías de Mayo
Date: 2 of May to 8 of May.
Contact Information: Hermanos Saiz Association.
Phone: 24 42 9181.
Festival of Ibero-American Culture
Date: 24 to 28 October
Contact Information: House of Iberoamerica.
Phone: 24 42 7714
Gibara International Film Festival.
Date: 20 to 24 of April.
Contact Information: UNEAC.
Phone: 24 47 4066.
Vladimir Malakhov International Dance Festival.
Date: September.
Contact Information: Maricel Godoy. Director of CODANZA.