Hours & Holidays in Baracoa-Guantánamo


Guantánamo, as well as all of Cuba in general, has a calendar full of holidays spread throughout the year. Mainly they are related to events, historical commemorations and cultural activities, proper to the region and many other national ones. Learn about the main festivals in the easternmost province of Cuba.

Commemoration Days and Holidays

On the days of national commemoration, labor activities cease with the exception of those related to continuous production process industries and other urgent and urgent jobs and tasks. Included in this case are transportation, hospital and care services, pharmacies, funeral homes and cemeteries; fuel outlets, lodging services, tourist centers, communications and others authorized by law. These days are:

-    January 1st: Anniversary of the Triumph of the Cuban Revolution.

-    May 1st: International Workers' Day.

-    July 26: National Rebellion Day.

-    October 10: Anniversary of the beginning of the Wars of Independence.