Weather and Climate in Santiago de Cuba
The weather in Santiago de Cuba is tropical humid, just like in the rest of the island. Precipitations increase at the mountain areas and reduce in the southern areas. The geographic characteristics of the area make it one of the main woodlands in Cuba. Due to the characteristics of the relief and the province’s geographic position and more specifically because of the shape of the island, the province of Santiago de Cuba has a variety of climate conditions that range from semi-arid in the coastal line to the temperate climate in the mountains.
The annual average temperatures of Santiago de Cuba range from 75 to 78 °F in the plain areas; in the mountain areas of the Sierra Maestra and Sierra Cristal, it reaches 57 and 60 °F and in the highest areas of the Macizo del Turquino, Sierrita de los Libertadores, Pico Cristal and Gran Piedra it ranges 53-57 °F.
The complex orography of Santiago de Cuba influences importantly on the amount of precipitations, reaching an annual average of 1375 mm, and, depending on the different geographic units, it can vary, such as in the Valle Central and the Llanura del Cauto with 1000-1200 mm, while in the Cuenca de Santiago de Cuba is just 800 mm.