Internet and cell phones in Cienfuegos,Cuba
The Telecommunications Company of Cuba has various offices known as Telepuntos where you can: buy international calls telephone cards and internet cards that allow you to connect to the Wi-Fi network available in Jose Marti Park, San Fernando Boulevard, Villuendas Park, Imago Park, La Union Hotel, Seaside boardwalk, Hotel E. Palacio Azul, Marina Marlin, Hotel Jagua and Jaime Gonzalez International Airport. The price of the internet card in Cienfuegos can be 2.00 cuc (1 hour) or 10.00 cuc (5 hours), and can be used in all the Wi-Fi areas of Cuba.
List of telepuntos in Cienfuegos, Cuba:
- 37 Street/ 16 & 18
- 50 Avenue / 35 & 37 (Business center)
- 31 Street / 54 & 56
- 54 Avenue / 35 and 37
- Avenue 58 / 43 & 45
- Avenue 42 ( 5 de Septiembre) and street 51 -A
What do you need to connect to ETECSA Wi-Fi?
- Activate Wi-Fi on your device
- Select your access point
- While using your browser or trying to log into any website the authentication page will show up
- Introduce access data: User and Password
- Once you finish, disconnect your device from the Wi-Fi signal
WI-FI_ETECSA´s area in Cienfuegos
- Ranchón La Aguada (parador de carretera) Autopista Nacional km 172, Aguada de Pasajeros, Cienfuegos.
- Parque Martí 54 Avenue between 29 and 25, Cienfuegos.
- Rápido Malecón 37 Street between 24 and 26, Punta Gorda, Cienfuegos.
- Parque Villuendas 62 Avenue between 41 and 45, Cienfuegos.
- Parque Imago 42 Avenue (5 de Septiembre) between 49 and 51, Cienfuegos.
- La Bolera 37 street between 50 and 48, Cienfuegos.
- Parque La Aduana 46 Avenue between 29 and 31, Cienfuegos.
- Librería Prado-San Fernando 37 street between 54 and 52, Cienfuegos.
- Radio Ciudad del Mar-Malecón 37street between 36 and 38, Cienfuegos.
- Terminal de Ómnibus 49 Street 56 and 58
- Universidad de Cienfuegos Cuatro Caminos
- Correo Reparto Pastorita 12 plantas Pastorita
- Parque de la Circunvalación 64 avenue and Circunvalación.
Mobile services in Cienfuegos
If you require access to the mobile services during your stay in Cuba you can visit ETECSA’s office in Cienfuegos, located in Avenue 50/35 & 37 (Business center) and get a temporal contract for a period of 3 natural days to 12 months. For the activation of the temporary service you have to pay a daily rent of 3.00 CUC and will depend on the number of days you want to keep the service on; it’s also necessary to make an initial payment of 10.00 CUC.
If you want to call from a phone in Cuba to any cellphone just dial 01 and then the desired number.
Cienfuegos Area Code is: 43. If you call from another country you must dial 53, area code in Cuba, and then our area code (43); lastly the desired number.
If you are in Cuba and wish to call to another country you must dial 119 as exit code, then the area code of Cuba, and then the desired number.
Where to get phone cards?
Telephone cards can be bought in any of the above mentioned Telepuntos, open weekly form 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. In Cienfuegos the most popular one is 31 street/ 54 and 56 (in front Hotel E. Union) open every day from 8:30 a.m-7:00 pm. You can also get them in Cubanacan. The price of every card ranges from 5.00 cuc to 20.00 cuc.
Emergency phone
- National Revolutionary Police (PNR): 106
- Medical Emergency: 104
- International Clinic: 43 518853
- Migration Offices: 43 553165
- Fire department: 105
- Procedures Office: 43519133