Internet  and cell phones  in Cienfuegos,Cuba


The Telecommunications Company of Cuba has various offices known as Telepuntos where you can: buy international calls telephone cards and internet cards that allow you to connect to the Wi-Fi network available in Jose Marti Park, San Fernando Boulevard, Villuendas Park, Imago Park, La Union Hotel, Seaside boardwalk, Hotel E.  Palacio Azul, Marina Marlin, Hotel Jagua and Jaime Gonzalez International Airport. The price of the internet card in Cienfuegos can be 2.00 cuc (1 hour) or 10.00 cuc (5 hours), and can be used in all the Wi-Fi areas of Cuba.

List of telepuntos in Cienfuegos, Cuba:

  • 37 Street/ 16 & 18
  • 50 Avenue / 35 & 37 (Business center)
  • 31 Street / 54 & 56
  • 54 Avenue / 35 and 37
  • Avenue 58 / 43 & 45
  • Avenue 42 ( 5 de Septiembre) and street 51 -A