The music-dance group Tambor Yuka, carrier of Bantú origin, is located in the municipality of Pinar del Río, town of Guayabo. It is one of the oldest expressions of this type in our country; it exists since the mid-nineteenth century.
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By the end of the XVII century and beginning of XVIII came to Pinar del Rio, from the African continent to work as slaves at sugar cane farms, numerous groups belonging to the conga ethnic groups from Bantu, who settled in different zones. Stands out among them, the formation of a community located in the municipality head, in the zone of the Guayabo. They are heirs of a dancing- musical tradition known as the "Feast of the Yuka Drum" that is maintained with enough authenticity until our days. It is a party where you take brandy and eat pork roasted on branches, you dance, you sing. It receives that name for the group of drums that is used. Its steps are similar to the rumba. These parties have their origins in the barracks and are practiced by workers of the earth.
Fernando Ortiz wrote: "In Cuba the congos danced Yuka and their touches in the fields still sound, even when they are extinguished". In the west of the country is still danced in the area of Guayabo and San Luis.