Inspired in the traditions of our guajiros is developed the Tobacco Route, a path that starts form the vuegueros hands to the manufacturing of the Cuban Cigars by the experts. From the dedication that overflows from these men and women a genuine product of our region is born and places us in the mecca of the best tobacco of the world. The tobacco factory «Francisco Donatién» is also a must see and a truly tempting space to catch a good cigar.
The locals are distinguished by the nobility of feelings, spirit of sacrifice, hard work and for being creative. Its culture is a mixture of aboriginal, black and white European. It has been the unity of the best of the essences that make up Cuban nationality: the Aboriginal nobility, the rebelliousness of the Cimarron, the laboriousness of the Canarian people and other territories of the old continent. Is mostly hardworking, cheerful and proud of his roots, lover of the natural green mosaic that surrounds him, homely, affable and excellent host. Like the tobacco he grows, from the Guayabita del Pinar (local rum), the roasted or fried pork is the most precious delicacy, accompanied by rice with black beans (beans or beans) and tamales.
On weekends they go to stadiums and baseball grounds to play or defend their favorite team, others go to cockfights or horse races; these are the most precious days for family visits, birthday celebrations and the time expected by the family, the 15 years of the young girls and to contract nuptials.
The Festivities are celebrated during the whole year, in dates similar to the Patron Saint celebrations, legacy of the colonial period. Featured examples are:
- Los Palacios Town, celebrates the “Week of the Culture” from Jan 1st to May 7th, includes the 3rd as the day of the “Absent Palace”. This coincides with the onomastic of the patron saint of the people, Jesus of Nazareth, whose festival was called since the eighteenth century "Feast of the Holy Cross."
- In Consolacion del Sur, the residents hold many activities: on February 2, the Feast of La Candelaria. On May 7, in the town of Herradura, the Fatima Festival is traditional. In Puerta de Golpe is celebrated on 19 of March the Feast of San José.
- In Piloto February 24 is known as the Feast of the Shout of Baire, in honor of "Our Lady of Charity of the Copper". According to oral tradition this image of the Copper Charity arrived to Piloto in 1896 with General Antonio Maceo, who placed it in the parish of the town.
- In the city of Pinar del Río, in the framework of Culture Week, the "Us" Festival is celebrated, coinciding with November 26, "The Day of Dignity of Pinar del Río". Book in the month of March and the carnival of Pinar del Rio in the month of August of each year. The church celebrates the patron saint of the city, San Rosendo, on March 1 of each year.
- In the town of Ovas, the "Flower of the Tabacco Festival" is celebrated in October, during which the "Flower and Five Buttons" are selected from among the most gracious and culturally prepared young people in the town.
- In San Juan and Martinez, on February 21, 1896, the town goes down in history when a fire is fought to prevent it from falling into Spanish hands. For this reason, this day, the main popular fiesta is held, which coincides with the "Week of Culture ".
- It is tradition to celebrate in several homes on June 24, the day of Saint John the Baptist, Saint Patron. This ceremony includes drumming, in honor of the ancestral practice of "Tambor Yuca", touch and dance rooted in the areas of the mills, Las Tunas and Guacamaya, as well as in the localities of Aguacate, Galafre Viejo and Lagunillas, where they lived Slaves brought from Africa. Everything begins on the banks of the San Juan River, south of the village. The night of June 23, awaiting the homage to the Patron Saint and for three days are celebrated Bembé in which believers and curious people sing, dance and eat what the owners of the venue offer.
- Remain, in the surrounding of las vegas and houses of tobaccos, the Guateques, organized to celebrate birthdays, baptisms, weddings or births; Before they used musical instruments as: bandurria, accordion, keys and three, today, the guitar has been incorporated, the güiro and the first two are not used.
- In the town of San Luis there are two activities that are faithful exponents of the popular and traditional culture of the people with African origin, especially Congo, the "Yucca Drum Festival" and the religious practice of Palo Monte, these traditions managed to preserve Different cultural elements that have lasted until our days. Today, its bearer group joins the fiestas for the "Culture Week", a space where the energy of ancient traditions such as "Verbena San Joaquín", "Guateques Campesinos", "Fiesta de los Bandos" "And the" Orchid and Violet Dance ".
- Guane celebrates the "Fiesta de la Quema de Guane" on February 21 of each year. This is done in the framework of the "Guaní National Science Event". This last one is developed on the occasion of anniversaries of the guanera rebellion and the foundation of the first town of the westernmost region of Cuba. Additionally, it maintains a traditional celebration inside the Church, on January 22 of each year and concludes on the 26 of the same month, in invocation to the patron Saint of the town, "San Idelfonso".
- Mantua celebrates the arrival of the Invasion of East to the West of Antonio Maceo every January 22, within the framework of the "Week of Culture". Since the colony, the church maintains the tradition from the 5 to the 7 of August to celebrate a liturgy dedicated to "Our Lady of the Snows", patron of the territory.
In the solidarity talk with the residents of the Vueltabajo, one hears again and again to say ¡Alabao! A phrase that has become the seal of identity of the Pinarians throughout Cuba. And rightly so, because of a land where tobacco, baseball and music star, there is always the smell of Cubanism.