Festivities & National Commemorative Days in Cuba
Cuba's national remembrance days and holidays
• January 1st: Anniversary of the Triumph of the Cuban Revolution.
• May 1st: International Workers' Day
• July 26th: Day of National Rebellion.
• October 10th: Anniversary of the beginning of the Wars of Independence
January 2nd, July 25th and 26th have been declared holidays; December 25th and 31st have been also declared holidays. The law may declare other days as national remembrance days and holidays.
During the national remembrance days and holidays, work activities are recessed, with the exception of those related to industries with continuous production process and other urgent and non-delayable works and tasks. This includes transport, hospital and healthcare services, pharmacies, funeral homes and cemeteries; fuel stores, lodging services, tourist centers, communications and others authorized by law.
Working hours of restaurants, coffee shops, public shows, grocery stores and other activities related to food production and sale during the holidays, as indicated by the respective national bodies, agencies and entities.
May 1st and October 10th - period corresponding to the holidays that coincide with Sunday being transferable to the Monday immediately after, in any case.
The following ephemerides are officially celebrated each year:
• January 28: Birth of José Martí Pérez, National Hero
• February 24: Grito de Baire (Declaration of Baire)
• March 8: International Women's Day
• March 13: Revolutionary Attack on the Presidential Palace
• April 16: Militia Man Day
• April 19: Victory of Playa Girón
• May 17: Agrarian Reform and Farmer´s Day
• July 30: The Death in Combat of Frank País García, Day of the Martyrs of the Revolution
• August 12: People's Victory over the Tyranny of Gerardo Machado
• October 6: Day of Victims of State Terrorism
• October 8: Death in Combat of Commander Ernesto Ché Guevara de la Serna, Heroic Guerrilla Man Day
• October 28: Disappearance of Commander Camilo Cienfuegos Gorriarán
• November 27: Medical Students' Execution, Day of Student Mourning
• December 2: Landing of Expeditionary Men Aboard the Granma Yacht, Day of the Revolutionary Armed Forces
• December 7: Death in Combat of Lieutenant General Antonio Maceo Grajales, Day of the People who Fell in Combat in our Wars of Independence and in the Internationalist Struggles of Our People.