Health Services in Las Tunas,Cuba
Did you know that you can access elective health procedures in Las Tunas? Las Tunas Medical Services branch guarantees quality assistance and offers options to meet your medical needs. This branch markets and manages a variety of medical services for external clients. We will tell you about the health institutions and some of the services that are provided in the Balcony of Cuban Eastern, but first know the contact of the Branch.
Las Tunas Medical Services Branch
Address:Evelio Velázquez street # 60, Sosa district. Las Tunas
Phone: (+53) 31333068/ (+53) 31333067
Hours: 8:00 AM- 5:00 PM
alternate Saturdays: from 8:00AM- 1:00PM
The undergraduate and postgraduate studies, international courses and scientific events stand out for their quality.

In Las Tunas there are two rooms for international medical care:
The Guevara Hospital offers you an International Medical Attention Room and the Guillermo Domínguez Hospital of Puerto Padre has another.
The Room of the HospitalDr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna was created in 2014. From there, foreign clients can access all the services provided by the hospital. Here patients who need urgent care are received and advanced technology diagnostic means are used.
If you need to enter this room, know that it has all the comforts and privacy to make your stay comfortable and carefree. Each room has a separate bathroom and pantry. It also has facilities for a companion.

Some of the most attractive medical services for tourists are:
Plastic surgery
Angiology with diabetic foot treatment
Minimal access surgeries
Video assisted surgery
Study and active search for cervical, breast, and prostate cancer through specialized studies.
Other health institutions in Las Tunas also offer specialized services, so you can also access:
Located in the Ernesto Guevara de la Serna Hospital
Address: December 2nd Avenue No.1, Las Tunas, Las Tunas.
Phones: 53 31344845
53 31376141
Web page:
Medical Services also has:
International Pharmacy in Las Tunas
Address: Vicente García street No.20 / Julián Santana and Francisco Vega, Las Tunas, Las Tunas.
Tel: (+53) 31371510
International Pharmacy Puerto Padre
Located in Casa Farah Store
Address: 24 february street No. 50, Puerto Padre, Las Tunas.
Tel : (+53) 31512010
General Teaching Hospital “Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna”
Address: Ave December 2nd No.1
Phone: (+53) 31 344845.
24 hours
General Teaching Hospital “Dr.Guillermo Domínguez López”
Address:Road to Delicias. Puerto Padre
Phone: (+53) 31 512011.
24 hours
Pediatric Hospital “Martyrs of Las Tunas”
Address: Central Road Est Km 2 1/2. Las Tunas
Phone: (+53) 31 345914.
24 hours
“Raymundo Castro” Pediatric Hospital
Address: Máximo Gómez #116.Puerto Padre.Las Tunas
Phone: (+53) 31 512012.
24 hours
“Clodomira Acosta”Psychiatric Hospital
Address: Carlos Juan Finlay. Combined Health. Las Tunas
Phone: (+53) 31 347302.
24 hours
Stomatology Clinic “October 3rd”
Address: Finlay Avenue. Saints cast. Las Tunas
Phone: (+53) 31345499.
Hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
emergencies: 24 hours